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Old 05-17-2018, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Dash View Post
Are you getting a replacement for the same pump or going with a different one? I have a Jebao powerhead & it was always glitchy, with the controller finally going. They wanted me to buy a new one, grrr...

Jebao has a nice price point (which is pretty important to me) but I wonder about the reliability.
I ordered a Sunpole (Aquamaxx) Magnus VSR-9000 DC pump to replace my current jebao. This will be capable of around 2370 gph. I agree jebao was a great price and very quiet pump. The problem was with the controller and power supply. I tried turning it up past 80%, it would overpower and get an error leaving me with no return pump until I unplugged it and plugged it back in.

IMO this is not reliability for a reef tank. Then the power cord (where it plugs in to the controller) acted up. Today my wife text me and it once again turned off!!! Stability is a goal and this jebao is not cutting it. My Alpha Cone Skimmer overflowed and now I have to tinker with that. Not what I want to deal with all the time. I’m hoping the new Sunpole pump proves itself reliable and is good quality. I contemplated the Vectra and Neptune Cor20... maybe down the road of this one doesn’t work out.

FWIW this pump has a $340 price tag, so it is still on the lower end for a dc pump. I will post photos and a review later on when I get it (hopefully here on Friday).
300g Basement Reef - April 2018
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