Thread: 240G upgrade
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:42 PM
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ponokareefer ponokareefer is offline
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Location: Ponoka, Alberta
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ponokareefer is on a distinguished road

I went with a side overflow, and beanie animal system. It is dead silent, and the only noise you hear is a slight amount from the powerheads, skimmer and return pump. My old system was quite loud due to the design that the manufacturer had decided on.

My stand is 4 feet high as we get a fair amount of kids in the office, and they loved to bang the glass on my old tank. That was why there was a jut out on the old system. Already the height under the tank is awesome for working in the sump. I did bolt the stand into stubs in the wall to prevent tip over.

I still have a tonne of finishing work on the canopy and stand, but the tank being 8 feet long is awesome! My regal tang has been loving it!
240 gallon tank build:
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