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Old 07-12-2013, 04:52 PM
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OK, makes sense and that is all in line with what I've read over the years.

Let me clairify; I have to dose stupidly huge amounds of Mg and only Mg in my tank. Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Or what is the best way to cocentrate my current suppliments. I don't really care so much about Ca and dKH because the amount I dose via doser is manageable at this point.

Why I am asking this question is because I am having to dose SO MUCH of Magneisum. Pretty much I am asking how people are getting around this issue, if they too also have a huge Mg. draw. I am not trying to raise my Mg, but keep it steady in the 1300-1400ppm range. I'd like 1400ppm but 1360ppm is about as high as I can consistently keep it.

I wanted to see what everyone else is doing and how they were doing it.

Here is my systems's current draw, however the draw on Magnesium is increasing. My magnesium use is partially tied into my clam growth.

Ca ~10ppm/day draw - 430ppm is an easy and consistent number for me
dKH - I only dose to mantain my parameter of 9
Mg. 20-30ppm/day draw but its getting closer and closer to 40ppm/day
pH is consitently between 8.17 and 8.3 Depending on lights on/off

So what I'm kind of hearing is not many other people have a Mg draw like I do and that for the most part once you've overcome the tedious product consumption happy portion of raising your levels, you're only dosing for maintenance purposes.

I used just Mg. Chloride to originally bring my levels in line back when the tank was first started. I use(d) both Mg. Chloride and Sulphide to dose from February - May. June and July have been Chloride only because its all I have left. I actually miss dosing the Sulphide because I think it had a positive impact on my clams, but 2 months of merely observational data isn't really useful.

Mindy, how much overall water volume do you have? I see you mentioned the 90g, but I'm not sure if thats just the display or total system. My current water volume is 550g and I am not done adding onto this system. When I'm done I should have 1000g total. The costs really start to creep up at this level because you have to buy everything in such large quantities. How do you find the costs on dosing a system of your size?
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