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Old 12-12-2014, 08:41 PM's Avatar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
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As someone asked me to reply and give an explanation.
Here is my quick take on curing processes for the dry rock.

My original receipe is based on bacteria survival and keeping that bacteria to stay and do its job for as little time possible.
Yes there are other recipes out there that work be it using chemicals,HC-GFO,Carbon and other item that yes at the end cost money.
I tried keeping my recipe with as little of added cost as possible,for the short time or the long haul of any setup.
I always believed in Keep It Simple Stupid or don't fix it if it aint broke.

Yes like Denny said and I know of few people did the quick drop in the tank load it with live stock and turn lights on then cross your fingers...well I don't totally agree as I really go in details as to why the rock need the dark time and get it to coat with beneficial bacteria and use all the proteins to break down properly ,...

A quick note on how Bleach and Acid works on the rock for curing.

We all know the rock is cleaned as much as possible and pressure washed prior to shipping. But proteins is lodged into the rock and needs to be removed with little cost.

Bleach and proteins are 2 different chemical reaction as when added bleach in a water volume and add the rock to it what you will get is that the bleach will react with the amino acids that form the proteins and render it useless,..
Now all that release is in the water line or some still in the rock.

Acid well we all know that acid body of water dissolve Calcium (the very make of our rock) to nothing
When added to the water with the rock that has gotten a simple wash after the Bleach wash,well it will dislodge and remover all cracked and useless proteins into the water line and foam out.A quick wash and your rock is ready for curing.

Curing is always needed to add bacteria and have the rock ready for any saltwater tank,...
Does the Bleach and Acid speed up the process,...I don't know as I haven't tested that theory yet,there is no right answer to that speed of curing as the recipe doesn't fall under on one or 2 items being changed but few points put together; foe exp. water temperature,water movement, oxygen availability, available proteins in the rock and added proteins to that rock,...

Bottom line is if you are planning on using Acid or Bleach I suggest using them as part of the process not one and leave the other out as mentioned above they work perfect as one breaks the proteins and the other help dislodging is out.

Hope that answers the question or at least its my lake on this.
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