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Old 01-14-2013, 01:41 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Titus99 View Post
I'm going to try your method. I do like the piece just don't want to over feed the tank

take it out of the tank for feeding when first training, to train my suncorals or dendros i simply take them out place them in a container and leave them in the container for a long time , hours actually. i feed a mix of mysis,coral snow and FM......set and forget and come back to fed corals , place them in the display and they are either swollen or open shortly afterwards, the sudden jump in flow triggers another feeding response.

after a week or two with the tupperware method and they will be fully acclimatized and only need to be fed here and there depending on the type it is.

i feed either FM lps pellets or mysis from a turkeybaster when i target feed them in the display.

consistency is key if you want them to stay healthy, once you have them down i swear youll want more lol :P
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