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Old 12-19-2011, 01:33 AM
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Cal_stir Cal_stir is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Corunna, On.
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nitrates are a whole other animal, DSB's and macro algae fuges can't sustain med to heavy bioload systems on their own, some sort of denitrator is required, i have been running a sulphur denitrator sucessfully for over a year, my no3 is 0.5ppm on a heavily stocked 90gal mixed reef.
biopellets, zoevit, vodka dosing, and other forms of carbon dosing are good at reducing nitrates and some will reduce po4 as well, all have their pros and cons so do the research,
the new thing i've seen is a recirculating biopellet reactor where the effluent to the tank can be controlled preventing total strippage of all the no3 and po4, haven't seen the reactor on the market yet but it would be an easy DIY. waiting to see if it works long term.
if you have a DSB that has gone south then you should deal with that first.
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!
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