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Old 05-12-2015, 08:29 PM
markjameslucas markjameslucas is offline
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Default Jebao WP-40 lifespan

I had one WP40 crap out. Replaced it with I believe they're called RW40. And it started smoking from the cord today. I noticed it wasn't working and when I pulled it out of the water, it was smoking. The plastic has disintegrated in couple of areas. Only had it for about six months. Oh, and before that the new dual controller stopped working so I had to go back to the old single ones for the mp40s. I've really noticed Jabeo products having a very limited shelf life. I'll try to post a video. Very dangerous. And I'm again without a pump. Very frustrating. I'm thinking of not buying Jabeo anymore even if they are cheap. Don't mind the algae. Having a battle right now.

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