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Old 08-07-2014, 01:10 AM
AquaPin AquaPin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 78
AquaPin is on a distinguished road

Every year (10+) they pester my pond, some years worse then others. I have tried live traps, removed 5 in one year...waste of time. Coyote urine works until it rains, same issue with other odour deterrents. Finally accepted they will come around, so I made some changes to the pond instead.

- Black PVC under heavy rocks for fish to hide in when under attack
- Plants are in black milk crates surrounded with rock work so they no longer get tipped or bothered.
- Lots of blackberry bush (dead vines) under the plants near the bubble beach side of the pond and anywhere else they have entered.

Since these changes fish loss has been minimal, no damage to the pond except my lilipads keep getting ripped off the base. I considered electric fence or a water sprayer, but did not want anything to change the natural esthetics.

Hope you find a solution that works for your pond.
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