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Old 03-16-2014, 06:17 AM
makana makana is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Vernon, BC
Posts: 215
makana is on a distinguished road

Are you sure that isn't Brooklynella? I just went through it with a new clown. Where Ich tends to be very distinct white spots, my clown looked more like it was dusty. If it is brook copper is not effective. The recomended treatment is formalin, I used paraguard dips for a week or so and followed that up with tank transfers.
72g bowfront, t5.
29g JBJ nano cube, ATI 26HD.

Livestock: clown fish, chromis, coral beauty.

Corals: Toadstool, maze brain, candy cane, mushrooms (purple & green hairy), button polyps, green zoas, GSP.
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