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Old 10-30-2012, 11:59 PM
NIVLEM09 NIVLEM09 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 301
NIVLEM09 is on a distinguished road

Ive heard stories about that "guy" who will remain anonymous but we all know im considering buying corals from him...
Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
That's where all of my acans but 2 came from...I'd be careful saying that tho... I was banned for talking about that company a few months back.... stopped coming on here for quite some time cuz I thought it was VERY childish and pitiful that a certain mod (I will leave you un named for now,)banned me for something so stupid... but what can u do... took me 3 months to swallow my pride and log back into here...

You do however need to be cautious when ordering from there... He doesn't always reply very promptly.... I waited 5 months to FINALLY receive my doa/missing corals... however when I did receive them last week the order was amazing... and he did go over and above to get me what I was missing and also through in quite a few freebies that were very nice! But just be prepared to wait and stay on top of him if he doesn't answer... part of my problem is I got sooo busy with work I didn't try to communicate with him for 3 months.
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