Thread: Pop up
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Old 01-04-2017, 03:40 PM
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I tried Chrome for a bit on one of my older PCs that I could not upgrade beyond Windows XP due to hardware limitations. At one point I encountered a similar problem as yours, but much more annoying & affecting pretty well any URL I brought up. I believe I used the procedure(s) outlined by Gregzz in his post to mitigate it. In the end I ditched Chrome as none of the other browsers, including Windows Explorer were affected. Definitely seemed to be something in the way Chrome deals with cookies and I was unable to tweak any settings to solve the problem permanently. None of the 'big' Anti Virus software applications I tried were able to find & repair the problem. All they did/do is slow down my system unacceptably.

With Windows 10 on my current notebook, I'm sticking with Microsoft's Edge browser & have removed all 3rd party anti-virus software, opting to also use the Microsoft protection system which is free and I haven't experienced any virus issues.

If you don't wish to or are unable to try any of the solutions or suggestions provided here, then really your best option is to have someone with the knowledge & skills work on your PC.
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