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Old 08-22-2017, 05:30 AM
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Rice Reef Rice Reef is offline
Colony Growing Master
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Victoria
Posts: 1,073
Rice Reef is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by kien View Post
Caught up with this build. WOW. Amazeballs Wayne! Yet another reason for me to make another West Coast visit.
Hey Kien! How are things? Sorry for the lack of updates here... It's been a while but I should post some updates once a while...

Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
This is the nicest tank in the West... that I'm aware of.
My tank is ok... it's still running... The nicest tank in the West is only a short drive from you...

Originally Posted by kien View Post
i was sad that there wasn't a FTS *hint*hint*wink*wink*nudge*nudge*

Also, looking at your signature, Wayne, I see that you're still running a BioPellet reactor? Is that true? Sorry, I'm way out of the loop, but are you dosing all that zeo stuff AND running biopellets or is your signature way out of date? :-)

These shots were just taken earlier this month...

Guess I need to update my signature... I've stopped running bio pellets for a couple mths now but I will dose vinegar two or three times per week. Nitrates has been .2 or lower and phosphates are between .01 and .02 for the last two years. I am still dosing a couple Zeo products but I have been slowly converting over to Aqua Forest.

I'll post some coral pics later,

ATI 48" 3x75W LED with 8x54W T5, 2xTunze 6105, 2 x Maxspect Gyre XF150, Bubble King Mini 200 ( soon to be replaced by a Bubble King SM 200), Eheim 1262, Via Aqua 300 watt Titanium heater, JBJ ATO, Apex Controller
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