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Old 04-25-2016, 02:24 PM
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GoFish GoFish is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: North vancouver
Posts: 578
GoFish is on a distinguished road

Does the camera take clear macro pics with any of the other white balance settings outside of your tank? Or just when you set a custom white balance setting in your tank? The TG-850 has a "macro"mode and the TG-4 had "microscope" mode and from my experience I can't transfer white balance setting from one camera to the other so not sure how you're getting the exact same settings?
Setting the white balance can be a bit tricky especially if using LEDs. I believe the manual suggests taking a photo of something completely white taking up the whole frame, I've had better luck taking a further back shot including an object with white in the middle of it.
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