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Old 12-29-2018, 01:22 AM
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Frogger Frogger is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Burnaby
Posts: 515
Frogger is on a distinguished road

Reasons against-
1. $1000
2. If you are managing your alkalinity/calcium with 2 part, anything other than the temperature monitoring is really not needed and easily tested using manual tests once a week or so.
3. It is useless for ATI lighting and some other lighting types
4. It is almost useless for Gyres.
5 There is work involved in setting up and maintenance involved in calibrating probes.
6. If pH is a problem in your tank.
7. Because orp is rather useless number unless you are using ozone
8. pH is not a test that is required regularly unless you have a problem and salinity is a once a week test max unless you have a monstrous water top off hooked up to an infinite source of fresh water
9. you will not save any time testing because you still have to do weekly salinity, temperature and periodic pH testing with an Apex.

Reasons for-
1. Its a great tank computer for only $1000.
2. If you are managing your alkalinity with calcium/CO2 reactor.
3. You have lighting that works with their programming
4. You have pumps that work with the unit.
5. You travel or are away for long hours at work and need to manage your tank. Or no one is home in your house for long hours a day and you tend to worry.
6. You love gadgets/ toys and somewhat useless charts that show your pH, Salinity, Orp and temperature 24 hours a day, assuming you have properly calibrated the unit. You still will need to do tests to check on its accuracy once a week or so.
7. You plan on purchasing the Trident once it becomes available.
8. you are using ozone
9 You have an unreliable lighting source that you need to continually monitor the par just in case it spikes or conks out on you.

I just purchased one during the Black Friday deals because I want the Trident in the future when it is available. I am in no hurry to set it up
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