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Old 12-20-2014, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Yeah, we were looking at houses, and thought we had one picked out, but hubby got cold feet and put the brakes on moving.

Aquarium Illusions is the only shop that I went to that I thought had any interesting corals.

Any time I went to Blue World it was a giant shop with no stock, and the lady at Red Coral told me if I bought the Bamboo Shark it would only grow to the size of my aquarium (Steve was great though). These are both closed now aren't they?

Aquarium Central was just opening up last time I was there (a couple years ago?) and they had some big plans for a saltwater section - did that pan out? i don't think I've been to Marine Aquaria or Marine Experience.
Blue world and red coral are now closed.. Aquarium central did make a go of it and will be moving soon though from when I was in there they concentrated mostly on fw.
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