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Old 04-02-2014, 02:01 AM
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Cujo#31 Cujo#31 is offline
Proofed by Wheelman
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 204
Cujo#31 is on a distinguished road

Trigger and lion not good, triggers will nip at lions fins, some of the fish u have listed could be potential lunch for lion. Triggers are a crap shoot at the best of times. Both Lion and trigger will most likely wipe out any shrimp, snails or hermits u may have.
Ur flame angel will have established territory ((whole tank, lmao) and he will most likely be a little bastard to any new-comers. Tangs are ok provided ur tank isnt crammed with rock and they have room to swim, they like lots of space and they are added at same time. Ur Damsel may be a bit of a bully too, not to mention ur clowns.
Adding that many fish, you will most likeley have a higher level od success if u rearrange all ur rock work and put everyone back into tank at same time (after highly recommended 6 to 8 week quarrantine of new arrivals) because nobody has any territory to defend any more. They will still bicker back and forth for the prime realestate, but everyone should settle down and play nice.
My two bits FWIW
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