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Old 03-18-2018, 05:38 AM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 79
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Originally Posted by Scythanith View Post
What are you looking to export? I can export directly to excel if I want.

Interesting, you always could with the USA version, I wonder if they finally got enough complaints and added it in the 18 months since I tried it.

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Lol care to share the formulas haha, haven’t found an accountant to date yet
If you're running simple payroll you can use the government's payroll deductions calculator here:

For your year end T4s and what not you may find it helpful to get an accountant. But send me a PM with questions if you have any and I might be able to help... I do bookkeeping and almost a CPA.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Sign up for the 90-day promo. Then plug in some numbers. It does CPP and all that, which being self employed, you don't pay into. So essentially all you have to do is figure out your tax bracket for provincial and federal taxes and deduct that. I simply plugged in numbers like $500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, and so on. If you only paying yourself then as long as you're close and you put those taxes aside, you're good to go. If you're paying employees, it's probably worth the $600/yr for payroll, or pay a book keeper to do your books for you.
Yep, a missed deduction = you pay employer + employee portion at end of year plus possible interest and penalties, which can easily be more than the software or a bookkeeper/accountant depending on the size of your business.
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