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Old 02-04-2016, 11:19 PM
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Enucid worms are notoriously difficult to catch as most of the standard tricks generally won't work well as was stated by Myka they are smooth no bristles so the nylon trick will not work they are also extremely fast so catching them by grabbing with tongs, grab hooks and so on are generally not successful.

As these worms target live foods as their primary source using meat and chunks of invert food won't work as a general rule however putting a live feeder fish or live large shrimp in food traps have met with some success.

Most commonly people either trap the worm in a rock and remove said rock or end up ripping up their tank to trap the worm which appears to be the most common practise.

****it is important to note that Enucid worms have mandibles so do not handle with your hands when caught they have been known to inflict a very nasty and painful bite
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