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Old 04-10-2017, 02:39 AM
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Skimmer Juice Skimmer Juice is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: calgary/alberta
Posts: 871
Skimmer Juice is on a distinguished road

@Tang Daddy those nems are gorgeous
cant seem to get any good front full tank shots so I took some top downs excuse the lights cant seem to get around them . Just finishing up with some bryopsis I got from a frag I purchased of a member. Tank is finally starting to get back to normal p04 got up to .50 but have got it down to .10 using gfo and pro-bio s and np-pro . Had a big set back the first 2 weeks I started using the pro-bio and the np pro my skimmer had been skimming some different type of skimate , the skimate produced separated and sat on top of the skimate that was already in the cup . The skimmer was about %60 full when I went to sleep , woke up in the morning skimmer had overflown the full amount of skimate went back in the tank . Ended up having a bacteria infection breakout lost a few corals . Then I ran out of pro-bio so I decided to stop dosing it since the p04 was under control with in a matter of a week my algae started growing again and now Im back dosing the pro-bio lol and looks better again . So just going to keep using it for a while .

stuff happens when you go outside
Im a hustler / I'll hop in the ocean / sell a whale a splash
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