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Old 09-13-2010, 07:56 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by ElGuappo View Post
i saw an ad on here in buy sell for a 24" guiesman 150 w mh with 2 x 24w t5 for a reasonable price...

maybe 3 days ago... not sure if they ship tho..
Those are stellar fixtures! I've drooled over them a few times.

I remember seeing an ad on here for someone selling a bunch of fishneedit halide fixtures for pretty cheap. I can't remember if they are straight up halides or combos but the price was right to get started with at least.

Have you checked eBay? Look around at sites like JL, Bulk Reef Supply and a few of the other sponsors around here. There are some good deals to be had. A friend of mine actually called up a store and asked if they had any used fixtures; he got a deal at 25% of the original price!

Personally I am quite partial to halides or halide combos so I can't really recommend any one T5 fixture in particular but I've seen and heard good things about the Sunlight Supply fixtures.

Oh, I would also recommend learning the skills of misdirection, comparative cost arguments, white lies and paying in cash. It'll delay the inevitable a$$-kicking from the wife and keep the credit card clear in case you need to flee the country. That or get her hooked on reefing as well and then you're in the clear .

Tell me, what is your plan (or hope) that you would like to do? Have you seen any example tanks that you like? Is there any one specific form of livestock you prefer? (My livestock is like 95% coral... so high light it is!!!). Let's get a discussion going and see if any of us can make some recommendations or someone around here says "Hey, I've got a deal!".

Just saw this:
Raf (super nice guy!) is selling the 48" version of my light for $300! Killer! Ever considered a 48" tank?

Last edited by ScubaSteve; 09-13-2010 at 08:01 PM.
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