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Old 12-06-2018, 01:43 AM
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Razor Ramon Razor Ramon is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Spruce Grove Ab.
Posts: 100
Razor Ramon is on a distinguished road

Just keep at it as long as it’s going in a positive way . If not try something else .
3%Peroxide I dosed 2x recomeded dose because I have a lot of experience using it with my Zoas.
Safe dose is 5ml for 30 gallons of water . I did 10ml /30 gallons for 2 days then skipped a day then another 2 days for over a week . Added a lot of the bacteria in a bottle , two different types .
I’m keeping my nitrate and phosphate as low as I can . The clean up crew are eating the green stuff . Lot of turkey baster and filter floss to catch the particles.
Dino are about 95% done in green algae 80% consumed . I’m almost there Zoas are on the way to recovery .
I saw a huge move the right direction in my case when dosing the bacteria they consume the same food source as the Dino and the algae’s .
I also am using a rio hang on protein skimmer it dose skim a little I guess lol
Very wet skim like week tea .
I did put chetta from my main tanks sump in the aquarium under the light in one corner of the tank and added podes from my sons culture for his clowns.
I feel like you have to starve this bad stuff out , it’s a balance between a food source , bacteria , algea ,dinos. Remove the food have something to eat the sources. I’m not a expert and I’m learning as I go .
Like I said before so many good reefers here and they do help and have been trough it .
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