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Old 01-22-2013, 02:08 PM
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Default Need help fast....

Hey Gang,....I'm having an issue and I need some advice.

A few weeks ago I noticed my Starry blenny was not very active. Upon closer inspection he was hiding quite a bit and seemed to be breathing heavily. He expired the next day. I had previously had a firefish goby disappear, but with no body or visible signs of illness I didn't think too much of it. Now with a second loss I was more concerned.
I checked over the other fish closely and noticed what looked to be ich on my Green Clown goby. He had white specks that were very small, could have been salt like but looked a little 'frayed' or fuzzy. I have had small ich outbreaks in my tank last year with no problem so I figured it would sort itself out. I kept an eye on the goby and it was still active and eating well. Then I noticed that my Lammarks angel was swimming kind of funny and scratching itself on corals. I could not see anything on it's skin and the next day it too had disappeared without a trace.
At this point I did another visual inspection and my Kole tang and Coral Beauty appear to have a 'rough' appearance to their skin and the Kole is starting to hide out a bit.
No other fish are showing signs of anything, the Clown goby is still alive.

At this point I thought that it might be Marine velvet but I am not sure. All websites I have read say that MV is very fast and kills quickly, yet the goby is still alive after 2 weeks?

I am preparing to treat with Cupramine but I was hoping someone could confirm my diagnosis before I start treatment.

Water params are

Please let me know what u think?
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