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Old 05-27-2011, 05:02 PM
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TJSlayer TJSlayer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Regina
Posts: 206
TJSlayer is on a distinguished road

Programming is somewhat limited but has everything that is really necessary.

You can control the intensity of the blue channel or the white channel from 0-100%

Once you set your intensity this is the max that they reach. (Can be changed any time obviously)

You have two choices for on/off (instant or sunrise)

Instant does just that instant on, sunrise/sunset ramps up the intensity from 0 - 100% over the course of 1 hour, in reverse for sunset. Then then moon effect is controlled on its own. and you have 5 levels of lighting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (not sure what the percent is there, but I tried the lowest level last night which is number one and was happy with that, the others are too bright for my liking. (I like it pretty dim for moons)

There are no thunderstorms, cloud effects, etc. but in talking with users with some of the fixtures that have this effect almost none seem to use it after the initially playing around, or when someone comes over to check out the lights. Then it’s one of those cool or neat things that is fun to show.

I admit it looks cool but I decided it wasn’t critical for me.

Having the ability to have varying levels of intensity through out the day is about the only thing I wish the light could do, but again not critical to me anyways.

I currently have the blues starting at 10:00 am the whites starting at 10:20 am and coming off 12 hours later, then the moons coming on for four hours.

Will probably change that as time goes on, but wanted to see how warm the fixture get’s today.

And no you can’t update the controller via the computer or anything but it’s built into the fixture, will be taking more pics of this later…
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