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Old 12-11-2018, 11:21 PM
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Dash Dash is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 304
Dash is on a distinguished road
Default Black Friday goodies

Being the frugal hobbyist that I am, I've been looking forward to Black Friday for a while. I finally got a new powerhead (Tunze). Just as well , since my cheap Jebao is coughing along and the Koralia that I started with 3 years ago for the 75g died the same day I noted smugly that it was still working and the day before the Tunze arrived. Whew! I felt I needed to stand there stirring the tank with a wooden spoon! Yeesh. Anyway, guess I have to buy another one as I like the Tunze. Boxing Day sales?

I also got a new screen top. Really glad because the old one that came with the tank was all bent and kinda ugly. I've been looking around at different options including screen windows. I like this one because it looks nicer and fits really snugly because it has a lip and sits on top of rather than inside the rim. Not even an eel can get out It's a D&D Jumpguard. I'm going to jerry rig a little lid for the feeding window as soon as the husband can cut me a little piece of acrylic.

Not a BF purchase, but I was surprised to get an email from JL that a fish I've wanted since I got into the hobby was available. I was so happy! I've never seen it locally, only on US sites. Walt is a red spot blenny and he is the bees knees. I am crossing my fingers that he will thrive as his needs are similar to a lawnmower, which is one fish I've lost due to not eating He is scraping stuff off the back wall, which I leave alone for the pods and such, as well as the rocks. Hope he'll eat other foods as he settles in. I love this guy!

As stuff is growing, I've had to increase my dosing. However, I haven't tested frequently enough and had a bit of a dip in magnesium and calcium. I corrected it but my Red Dragon announced its displeasure the next day (while I was admiring Walt perched underneath)

While I mulled over what to do, the next morning another branch was white so I decided to frag off the live branches and pieced them together. I think this SPS doesn't really encrust but I hope it grows enough to hide my patch job Not sure how it will do...

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