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Old 02-27-2017, 08:41 PM
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hunggi74 hunggi74 is offline
LOVES STAR WARS... mostly Ewoks and Porgs.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Richmond, BC
Posts: 359
hunggi74 is on a distinguished road

Thanks everyone for the nice comments. The tank is almost 6 months old and I'm no closer to having a successful sps tank than when I was running the 57 gallon. If it's not high nutrients it's too low nutrients. AEFW, high alk, low salinity, algae outbreaks...this tank has seen it all. I've lost more frags than I care to remember. The ones in here now are still peeling randomly. If it wasn't for the support and generosity of my friends I'd had given up a long time ago. The pics you see are of the pieces that are doing well, lots of pieces you don't see that are just meh. Some growth,not fast at all. I've gone from zeovit to AF and don't wanna switch again. Just going ride it out. Whatever survives will survive. At some point it will balance out. Just have to have the patience. That's what I'm hoping at least.
Illuminata 57gallon rimless <-- this is a lie!
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