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Old 03-14-2013, 08:24 PM
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phi delt reefer phi delt reefer is offline
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Location: London, ON
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phi delt reefer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
ooooooh, like one of these things:

But with the ability to swivel it around a bit.

that's a sweet idea, way cleaner looking. seems like it wouldn't be anymore laser like than a loc line with a round nozzle, you'd just have less control over where the water was going. If it wasn't your only source of flow I'd say that would look hot. Loc line is awful looking, and mine always gets crusty salt creep all over it, that's way nicer looking.
think you meant this...

i agree with you on the locline... it sucks unless its submerged and it looks like the inside of a cNC machine when its exposed within you tank.
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