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Old 06-17-2016, 09:48 PM
daelie daelie is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Fredericton
Posts: 23
daelie is on a distinguished road

A sad update today unfortunately.

2 days ago, I came home to see my female maroon not eating anything. Usually always at the top of the tank waiting for it when I walk in the room, she was just huddled inside the anemone watching the food go by. I was a little worried, so I took a video and some pictures for a guy who's very active on the international forums and is generally quite good at diagnosing fish diseases, since I looked and couldn't really see anything with regards to white dots on her skin or sliminess building up. He had a good look and couldn't see anything other than he mouth looked a little bigger than normal and she wasn't closing her mouth either, from this he deduced that she may have bitten some zoas near the anemone in an attempt to move them away, as that's decently common behavior, so I turned the lights out, and she stayed in the anemone as I went to sleep.

I woke up, and she was still in the anemone flapping away, still swimming strongly from all I could see, so I went to work that day. My girlfriend feeds the fish once she gets home from work earlier than me and called me to tell me she looked worse, no longer in the anemone and just swimming very lethargicly, sometimes with her fins no longer moving and very near the bottom of the tank. I posted some pics for the fellow again as well as video and he still could see nothing in terms of parasitic infection, but suggested I get her out into quarantine to start some antibiotic treatment. Unfortunately, she was gone when I got home. Within 24 hours, she went from a voracious eater to no longer in my tank, and his best guess was that she bit a zoa/paly and ingested a small amount of palytoxin that led to her rapid demise. Everyone else in the tank seems perfectly fine so far, with the smaller clown taking over the anemone for the time being, until I'm able to find a suitable mate for him, probably soon to be her.
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