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Old 04-11-2021, 01:09 PM
dino dino is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: chilliwack
Posts: 330
dino is on a distinguished road

this is called a discussion. we barely get enough posts on this site . I say lets talk. whats it to you? anyway I agree supply and demand to be honest corals are no different. if people are willing to pay an amount then no harm in trying to sell for that if its "market value". im not saying we should be dishonest or rip people off though.
150 gallon reef mostly softies/lps. 50 gal sump with bubble magnus skimmer/ Led fuge light/refugium/ 1200 return and tunze powerheads. Dual pharoah main tank led.4 pump dosser.
550 gallon stingray tank water drip system
150 bowfront. 75 turtle tank, many others
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