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Old 02-07-2013, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Seriak View Post
I have heard that people using H2O salt and who do regular water changes don't need to dose Mg. That is why I switched. So far what I have heard has held up.
Yah I'm wondering if it's this salt. I really, really love this salt. I just wish they would drop the price by about half and start carrying it in more places in Calgary!

Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
I took a look at your build, I wouldn't expect your tank to go through a lot of Mg,
You think the amount of rock and sand contributes to the rate of magnesium use? Do you think that's because there's more calcareous surface area for it to react with, or because there's more biological activity that uses it going on?

Also, before bed last night I cleaned out my calcium and alk reservoirs (they're attached to my sump and I haven't cleaned them since the tank was set up), and wouldn't you know it, I found a large wood screw rusting to death in the bottom of the calcium vessel. It has to have been there since almost the first month the tank was set up, as I haven't screwed anything in around it since then. is there magnesium in metal screws?
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