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Old 06-20-2018, 05:18 PM
bluebarry bluebarry is offline
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tank is from concept , about a 90 gallon tank, I'm not too sure how I'll be getting it from Dave, if all the pipes are already glued on etc, if not then I'll need a helping hand with that. should be just a easy plug and play type deal. no extra tools needed but some glue I assume. would need some guidness help setting up the skimmer as I never used one. apparently there's some break in period and a sweet spot where it skims the best ?

then last but not least some of your tank water / seeded media which of course needs to be pest free to super blast this bad boy. i know its not the best way to cycle but my time is limited.

all together I assume it won't take more than an hour or 2 .
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