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Old 09-02-2020, 03:30 PM
LifeIsGreat LifeIsGreat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Moose Jaw
Posts: 102
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The tank is now crawling with microscopic bugs. There are little round white bugs that are eating the cyano film. You can see them in the picture eating away (the extension cord shows the scale). The solid white line dividing the cyano film from the clean glass is a concentrated wall of feeding bugs.
There are millions of long skinny reddish brown bugs on every surface and some tiny white worms visible on the glass, both of which are only visible using a 10x jeweller's loupe. The bugs are starting to burrow down into the sand bed. The cyano growth has been giving way to more hair and film algae. I keep all the lights on full power for 12 hours per day in order to speed the algae along for manual extraction. An easy method I've been using to clean the algae and cyano is to put an airstone inside the return jet while I scrub the rocks with a tooth brush. The bubble flurry latches onto the debris and floats it to the top where I can net it out. Water is quickly crystal clear afterward.

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