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Old 06-18-2020, 02:36 PM
LifeIsGreat LifeIsGreat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Moose Jaw
Posts: 102
LifeIsGreat is on a distinguished road

Here is a photo comparison of the tank the day I added the 6500k lights and one month after adding the 6500k lights. I'm not sure if it is a result of the lighting or just the natural progression of the ecosystem, but the red cyano has all but disappeared in favour of the green cyano. The hair algae population has reduced greatly, particularly on the back glass; this I attribute to aging of the system and reduction of nutrients. There is a dramatic difference in the amount of bubbles in the water after the 6500k's turn on: there are very few bubbles when they are off and the tank is almost like a snow globe when they are on.

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