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Old 11-27-2014, 04:23 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Not sure if you can ever totally eliminate algae and have enough light for SPS. It is certainly worse with higher phosphates. But even when my P04 is down to zero (Hanna checker), as it is now, algae will still hang onto wherever it can find some nutrients. Eg, where detritus can accumulate in rock crevices, on dead coral tissues (I had some RTN on some SPS this past summer), etc. The best solution for that is the toothbrush and turkey baster.

I understand that chemical solutions do work as well such peroxide, H2O2, but have stayed away from that. I have tangs, and figure a little algae is good for them to browse on. And the glass can be kept clean with a scraper once or twice a week.

I disagree with sps lighting and algae. Yes algae will always be present within the system. There is no way to avoid that. But it can easily be controlled and maintained. Lower your nutrients and turn down your lights. An equal benifit.

If you have algae growing daily on your glass, algae growing on your calcium carbonate structures. (Sand, rock, coral) then you probably have more nutrients then you want. Especially if you are keeping sps. Given the fact you had algae growing on your calcium carbonate structure aka coral, I would assume your rock is full of bound nutrients and those are being wicked up into other available realestate. Your coral.

But that's would just be my observation from the limited info provided in the post. No harm intended. Just don't agree with the algae vrs sps strength lighting
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