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Old 01-23-2014, 08:54 PM
Reefgoat Reefgoat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Saskatoon
Posts: 54
Reefgoat is on a distinguished road

Just curious why you purchased a fish that is known to starve to death most of the time because of an inadequate food supply if you knew you didn't have appropriate food?

If you absolutely need it to eat frozen food you should probably take it back to the store as most will never reliably eat frozen food. I've been told that is why ORA blue Mandarins aren't available. They can't get them to reliably continue to eat pellets or frozen once their customers have them in their tanks.

Also Mandarins aren't generally fans of Pelagic Copepods but maybe the Tigger Pods will keep them from starving?

If you can keep it from starving to death in the short term you could check out videos on youtube by others who have trained them to eat. I believe has a diary of how he trained his to eat as well. It is worth trying, just remember there is no guarantee your Mandarin will respond positively.
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