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Old 10-13-2016, 04:03 AM
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toytech toytech is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: edmonton
Posts: 672
toytech is on a distinguished road

There are quite a few people who are attracted to pitbull type dogs that have no right to own a dog and cant be bothered to train their dog , or keep it in a properly fenced yard . These same people are breeding dogs to sell without any thought to what type of dog they are producing . No thug wants a spaniel , they want a tough badass dog thats mean and they have picked pitbulls to the breeds detrement . These people need to be regulated and they are doing it by controlling the dogs , you cant punish stupid in our society but you can limit the stupids so thats what they did . Too bad for reasonable owners , but you picked a dog that can bite through a parking meter .
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