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Old 04-23-2010, 12:38 AM
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bauder1986 bauder1986 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB...find the earie glow of the T5 lights coming from a house lol
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Default Josh's 20 gallon reef with add-ons.

So been awhile here since I said anything...

Anyways, the acrylic tank leaked, the ten gallon was 2 small and the 20 gallon hagen was perfect..

Bought a bunch of stuff from John (lobsterboy) and then the heater decided to go out of control and cook the tank to 90 F!!! yah I lost one milli colony, 2 acros, a slimer frag, a purple blue mili frag and a chunk of Acropora Humilus.

Yah that sucked....alot....anyways, life went one. got the tank back to par. Spent some money on safety measures, upgraded the lights, got a new skimmer, new stand set up two new fresh water tanks for fun. Bought some goodies to keep the perameters good and to get rid of the aptasia for once and for all and some stuff to rid me of the redslime algea...which worked BTW.

Got some new fish: six-line wrasse, blue devil damsel, cleaner shrimp, 3 peppermint shrimp, nudibranch, 4 turbo snails.

got some new zoos and a bird of many colors.....yah thats about it.

Now here are pictures.

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