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Old 06-08-2011, 09:55 AM
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abcha0s abcha0s is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 545
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Whatever you do, don't buy the chiller until you actually know that you need it. Buying a chiller in the planning stages would be a mistake as you can't know for sure that you will need it. In general, stock piling hardware for a build is never a good idea especially chillers.

Use evaporative cooling as a first attempt at controlling temp. If you don't already have one, use the money that you budgeted for a chiller to by a controller instead. Now you can use the temp probe to turn fans on and off.

Evaporative cooling leads to it's own set if problems like high humidity, but you can usually solve that problem by opening a window.

- Brad
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