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Old 02-21-2015, 09:26 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Surrey
Posts: 1,985
hillegom is on a distinguished road

I have an ammonia badge. I feed them in the pail, but sparingly. On the last night before transfer, I feed a lot, usually mysis. If I see any still floating around later, I will net anything I see uneaten out.
I read somewhere that the ick will hatch from the cysts in early morning. Even though, it is not supposed to hatch at the three day interval, I don't take a chance. Thats the main reason why the heavy garbage bag is placed around the pail till morning transfer, as early as I can manage. Keeps the fish and ick (if any present) in nightime mode
I use DT water in the pails. The heater and aeration (with air pump) is started around supper time the night before transfer. This way by bedtime, I can make sure the temp is correct, checking a few times during the evening. I use one air pump split in two with two valves. Both are constantly open, but only one is in use till the night before transfer when one airline is in each pail. When one airline is out of the pail, then you have to adjust the other valve to keep air moving in the water.
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