Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 02:41 AM
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FragIt Dan FragIt Dan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Nanaimo, BC
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I have a 4+" purple tang with a 4" mimic tang, a 4" maroon clown and a couple other random fish in a 90G with no issues. The two tangs are best friends and are rarely more than a couple of inches apart. Having said that I would not have voluntarily put these two into my tank were it not for a friend shutting his system down. They came out of another 90G and were in with a decent size Kole and Scopus as well.
Link to my Tank Upgrade Thread
Dan Leus, Marine Biologist
20+ Years Marine Aquarium Experience
Save the Reef, Buy a Frag!

Last edited by FragIt Dan; 01-11-2013 at 02:47 AM.