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Old 12-23-2007, 03:46 AM
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chwkreefer chwkreefer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 210
chwkreefer is on a distinguished road

hmmmmm, no takers or much interest shown. Anyone care to venture an opinion why? too close to Christmas? price too high (hard to believe), too much money to spend right now?

I just have a hard time believing that there just isn't anyone really emailing me asking about it or offering a price or something.

Honestly guys, the only reason I'm getting rid of this is due to my health and I just can barely do anything with the tank. I hate this as I don't want algae to grow or any corals to suffer. I really need to get rid of this tank as much as I have loved this thing but it needs to go to a home where someone else can enjoy and maintain it. I hate so much that my arms and legs don't work like they use to and that the pain is so bad. Isn't there anyone out there that could buddy up with some guys and maybe someone take the hardware and another the livestock or something. I used to make and sell lots of frags. This system has been very good to me.

I hate to sound desperate, but I'm getting to that point. The tank is getting to look way below my standards. Don't get me wrong there are nice corals in there but some aren't as colorful and there are a few tufts of hair algae. I can't do water changes anymore. I can't carry the pails. I really could use some help from some guys in the Lower Mainland and just come up with the funds and take it off my hands. Normally I would have charged a bit more, but I thought this was a very fair price to offer. If you feel you have a creative counteroffer, please email me.

Please help a long term reefkeeper become an ex-reefkeeper. Again this is only because of my disease that I'm doing this.

Merry Christmas everyone
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