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Old 04-05-2015, 08:29 AM
RDNanoGuy RDNanoGuy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 148
RDNanoGuy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by crimper View Post
Awesome Tank! How long is this tank running? What's your stocking order? Any agression on the Tangs and Angels?
The tank has been running in it's current location for about 2 years although for the first year it was a mixed reef with a lot of LPS and some SPS. Unfortunately around that time a Job change made it so I couldn't look after the tank as much as before and it suffered so I decided to scale back on corals in favor of a more fish-centric setup. As it is now I would call it a Reef-Lite tank.

Most of the fish were in my reef before like the Yellow, Powder Blue, and Regal Tangs as well as the Clowns. More recent additions have been the Anthias, then the Sailfin, Regal Angel and finally the Imperator Angel. As far as aggression goes there really is none except for the mad scramble at feeding time. The fish know me by sight and come rushing over to me on the side I feed from.

The large arched rock formations break the tank up so the fish can't always see one another so I think that helps and everyone has their own favorite cave.
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