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Old 03-27-2018, 08:38 PM
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Ryanerickson Ryanerickson is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Mission, BC
Posts: 703
Ryanerickson is on a distinguished road

hello thought I would chime in as the fish was originally mine. little history, I owned this fish for 7-8 years possibly more originally bought from ocean aquatics in delta (now closed) it came in the size of a quarter. the fish in question was with other tangs for most of the time I owned it. something i can confirm is it would occasionally get 2-3 if those hanging white things from stress ( tank move or day after stirring up the tank. no other fish ever got these Mark's and I assumed it was a small case of ich, days later it would always go away. I'm completely useless on diagnosing as I thought it was ich lol. something I can say is whatever it is it never spread, the fish was always eating like a pig and had a fat belly. hoping you figure it out as I would love to see that guy thrive in your large tank.

best of luck Ryan
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