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Old 02-27-2015, 06:38 AM
cbrine cbrine is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: airdrie
Posts: 71
cbrine is on a distinguished road

In my EMS education and Dive training (rescue diver and Divemaster cert) both talk about treating jellyfish stings with warm salt water or distilled white vinegar to neutralize the sting. Then using salt water and baking soda mixed into a paste and smeared all over the site then scraped off to help remove stingers.
Calamine lotion, Benadryl (the liquid oral stuff can be smeared topically as well) and ibuprofen can help decrease the after effects of stings/pain.

Of course always seek medical assistance as a CYA...

and have to be careful with nitrile gloves, due to their permeability can only be worn for so many minutes before they start to break down and decrease effectiveness as a barrier device (will have to ask the clinical educator I spoke with for the AHS documents on this). I believe for medical purposes, we are told to change our gloves after 8 mins as they are not effective at protection (especially when dealing with contagious bodily fluids). Double gloving does not prevent/decrease this process either.
(interesting right?!)
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