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Old 10-24-2010, 09:14 PM
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viperfish viperfish is offline
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viperfish is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by RD View Post
There is much that sets it apart from other foods, but most of that falls under proprietary information.
OK my point was there are foods out there of comparable quality to New Life Spectrum. NLS just has an unknown ingredient, or the right combination of ingredients, or maybe its just the region where their ingredients are harvested that makes them more complete for the nutritional requirements of the MI. I just find it sort of odd that the health of most marine fish depends on a varied diet consisting of primarily live or frozen food and this fish, one of the most sensitive in the hobby, has had greatest success with a pellet.
I'm just generalizing here because I don't know anything more specific, neither does Pablo Tepoot, or Bob Fenner, so if you have something more please share. I would go out and get a Moorish Idol tomorrow if I knew the secret of successfully keeping one.
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