Thread: Tomini Tang...
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Old 01-20-2008, 09:58 PM
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Stones Stones is offline
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Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
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I've had a Tomini tang for quite some time now. Its the smallest tang when full grown measuring in at only 6". The juvi colouration is usually a mottled grey brown on the body with the tips of the dorsal and anal fins being orange. As this tang matures, the fins change colour from orange to fairly bright yellow with a tint of orange. The body colouration also darkens quite a bit to a bluer grey and the tail also takens on a blue hue.

This tang is great at targeting diatoms and film algae, but if your looking for a tang to clean up hair or macro algae, this fish definately would not suit the job. Mine has never touched the stuff since I put him in my tank and won't eat nori no matter how many times I offer it to him. Here's a picture of mine still with his juvi colours.

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