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Old 08-17-2008, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
If you feel that there has been unfair voting, please contact a staff member. We can review who voted and how they voted. We will be continually monitoring this section for just this type of abuse, and should we see multiple votes from the same IP/posting computer, they will be removed.
If multiple members live in such a location as to share their computer, they will need to average their vote. Abuse of this section will result in it's removal from the board, with no further vendor ratings offered.
I like the idea but a rating system with no customer accountability is not very reliable making it too easy for people to be unfair while hiding behind their anonymity. For example the mods would have no idea who bought something from whatever vendor or if they even did. As an example of this I've had one negative rating so far but in actuallity I have never had any customer tell me of any complaint after their purchase that wasn't resolved to their satisfaction.

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