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Old 01-19-2017, 04:14 AM
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shiftline shiftline is offline
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So the results may be a bit skewed as I started da don tests at lunch and it's now 9pm so ph naturally drops in the tank.

Another slightly screwy thing. Ph in reactor is currently higher than my effluent output. Makes no sense unless the probe needs to be calibrated inside the reactor. It's a apex lab grade probe that was calibrated 5-6m ago when I set up the reactor.

The probe im using to test effluent is my standard In sump ph probe and it was re calibrated last week

Adding the second media tower raised the effluent approx 0.26 ph

Adding the effluent drop cup raises it about 0.1ph. smaller

Adding the airstone to the drip cup made a huge leap of 0.36 after about 10 min in the cup

Was 6.44 before air stone and its 6.81 10 min later. So the airstone has the largest effect.

Ohhh 6.83 slowly climbing! Next step will. W to try the larger settling container and see if more air space / buble time makes a difference. I suspect it might but will only be worth the extra space if it's a large difference

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