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Old 01-27-2017, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Not meaning to derail this thread, but has anyone with a bryopsis/valonia issue tried raising nitrates?
I found by doing so the 'whatever' bacteria started consuming 'whatever' and my phosphates dropped ... to the point where I had to start over-feeding my fish to keep levels up enough for my corals.
I've since taken both my carbon and gfo reactors offline and still have nearly no algae - to the point where it's not worth my time to scrape the glass anymore.

I started with 0 NO3 and 0.09 PO4.
I dosed 5mls Seachem Nitrogen liquid for 3 days. NO3 rose too fast to 10. Then PO4 dropped to 0.03. Corals started some STN. Stopped dosing and waited a few days. On and on it went.
Finally found a balance and now test PO4 and NO3 weekly to adjust Nitrogen dosing - which has lately been only once a week instead of daily.
Hmmm good to know that higher NO3 can have an effect on algae. I would think over the years that someone would've noticed a relation to higher NO3 = no Bryopsis in 10 days.
I asked someone last week what kind of algae they had. The answer was "the devil".... after googling "devil algae" came up with nothing, turns out he was referring to Bryopsis, this stuff is nasty nate

Ever had it?
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