Thread: ich
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Old 05-06-2007, 06:25 AM
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justinl justinl is offline
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i can't say i trust that source. THEY're the ones selling the product to "cure" it. Actually to be completely honest, as a rule of thumb, i don't really trust any manufacturer. especially when their info is unfounded and unsupported. here check this out... this quotation is from their site...

"Quinine Sulfate is the only magic drug we know of that will get rid of this strain of Crypto."

ha. seriously? funny how they're the only ones who have ever heard of it and no one else...

OH and before i forget, here's a little tid bit off of

"Although copper is very effective on Oodinium, and it works well to eliminate crypto organisms in their free-swimming tomite stage, it is not as effective on the Cryptocaryon trophonts that burrow deeply into the tissues of fish. A combination of freshwater and formalin treatments adminstered by means of dips, baths, and prolonged treatment over a period of time in a QT is recommended."

note: the cryptocaryon they are referring to is obviously "ich"
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