Thread: ParaGuard
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:25 AM
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I used Paraguard at full dosage every 24 hours as recommanded and never had a problem with fish breathing fast.

If they have ick or velvet, it's probably what is causing the fast breathing.

I use Paraguard for 3 weeks in a 20 gallons tank every time I get a new fish as a preventive treatment. Never had a fish breat fast from that.

It's pointless to use Paraguard and use Purigen at the same time, as you are just waisting the med since it's probably absorbed by the purigen.

Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
Can I split the Paraguard dosage for my HT into half and give it twice a day, twelve hours apart?

I dosed once yesterday at noon, at around 2/3rds the dosage for the tank. The fish were breathing quite heavily afterwards.

I understand that Paraguard only stays in the water for around 24hours, and the fish are breathing better this morning. I'm thinking they should be able to manage a dosage split.

Also, Purigen and GFO are in the canister filter on the HT tank. I don't want to take these out. Will lengthening the treatment compensate for the filter media and the 2/3rds total dosage? I think the filter media will remove the malachite green from the water.
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